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High-net-worth individuals (HNIs) in India have sophisticated financial needs that require specialized investment products, expert guidance, and robust estate planning strategies. Our various offerings designed to cater to HNIs include varied investment products and estate planning solutions. 

Investment Products for HNIs

1. Portfolio Management Services (PMS)

Portfolio Management Services (PMS) offer tailored investment strategies to meet the specific financial goals and risk appetites of HNIs. There are over 400 SEBI registered PMS houses, with multiple schemes. Our exclusive tie-ups with select PMS offers you the professionally managed schemes with simple and fast service.

Types of PMS

  • Discretionary PMS: The portfolio manager makes all investment decisions independently, providing a hands-off experience for the client.-

  • Non-Discretionary PMS: The portfolio manager offers recommendations, but the client retains final decision-making authority.

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2. Alternative Investment Funds (AIF)

Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) are private pooled investment vehicles that invest in diverse asset classes, offering HNIs access to unique investment opportunities.


Categories of AIF

  • Category I AIF: Includes venture capital funds, SME funds, social venture funds, and infrastructure funds.

  • Category II AIF: Comprises private equity funds and debt funds, typically investing in unlisted companies or projects.

  • Category III AIF: Encompasses hedge funds and funds that employ complex trading strategies to generate returns.

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3. Structured Products

Structured products are pre-packaged investment strategies that combine various financial instruments to achieve specific risk-return objectives. These products offer HNIs tailored exposure to different asset classes.


Types of Structured Products:

  • Market linked debentures (MLDs): Provide returns linked to the performance of equity indices or individual stocks.

  • Credit-Linked Notes: Offer exposure to the credit risk of a specific company or asset.

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Mutual Funds

Investing mutual funds allows HNIs to diversify their portfolios and leverage professional management. Through our tie-ups with best fund houses, we can help you connect with senior product managers and fund managers to understand the options before making a large call. 


Estate Planning

Estate planning is crucial for HNIs to ensure the smooth transfer of wealth according to their wishes, while minimizing tax liabilities and protecting assets.


Key Components of Estate Planning:

1. Wills and Trusts: Legal documents that dictate the distribution of assets and establish trusts for estate management.

2. Power of Attorney: Designates someone to make legal or financial decisions on behalf of the individual if they are incapacitated.

3. Living Will: Outlines medical treatment preferences in case of incapacitation.

4. Gifting Strategies: Tax-efficient methods to transfer wealth to heirs or charitable organizations.

5. Life Insurance: Provides financial support to beneficiaries and can cover estate taxes.

Why consider us


Senior professionals manage your account

All our HNI customers are managed by senior professionals and founders directly, each having over 20 years of experience in industry. Each solution is tailormade, suiting your requirements and risk profile. We are not just an online transaction platform!

Exclusive Estate Planning Services

Through our exclusive tie-up with professional lawyers, we offer comprehensive estate planning services. This collaboration ensures that our clients' estate plans are legally sound and tax-efficient.*

Disclaimer : *Estate planning is offered through our tie-ups with Law firms. We DONOT charge anything to our customers for this service. Estate firm may charge you according to the services you avail. We provide you the best match, and of-course end-to-end handholding. We do not receive any renumeration or commissions for estate planning services from law firms or anyone else.  

Research based and Extensive Tie-Ups

Our extensive tie-ups with leading financial institutions enable us to offer a wide range of PMS and AIF products tailored to the needs of HNIs. We use some of the best research provided by our partners to make investment plans for you. 

HNIs in India have access to a diverse array of financial products and services designed to meet their sophisticated investment needs. From PMS and AIFs to real estate and structured products, there are numerous avenues to grow and protect wealth. Our team of experienced founders and senior investment professionals provide expert support, while our exclusive estate planning services ensure the efficient transfer and protection of wealth.

By leveraging these products and strategies, HNIs can achieve their financial goals with confidence and 

Personalized offer for High net-worth individuals

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